It’s been a busy few weeks at Marmalade Trust. Having been catapulted into responding to an emergency situation, it didn’t take long for our tiny team to come together and devise an action plan. We were on the phone to nearly 200 members straight away to check in on them and offer reassurance. Many were feeling vulnerable and more isolated than ever, and we made sure they had the supplies and support they needed.

More recently, with the generous support of The Grateful Society, we have set up our telephone companions project, where our members have been linked to friendly volunteers for regular social calls. We’re already seeing the transformative effect that having regular, meaningful connections has for those struggling with isolation. We’re also working with some incredible local organisations to deliver food supplies to those who need it.
We are working closely with Age UK Bristol and we’re one of the founding members of The Support Hub, which provides practical and emotional help for older people and their families coping with the impact of the coronavirus.
Thanks to everyone for your incredible support so far. We are humbled by your generosity and kindness and have been blown away by the number of volunteering offers. Amidst the challenges, we’d love to make this a time of renewed empathy, understanding and connection. Reach out to anyone you think might be feeling lonely. If you’re feeling lonely, share it with someone you trust. Focus on creating and sustaining meaningful connections. Whilst we might all feel far apart, we’re all in this together.
Stay safe, take care and please reach out if you need to, we’re here for you.
The Marmalade Team