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Loneliness Awareness Week goes Global

This year, we are delighted to be working with representatives from countries across the world to share the messaging further. Collaborating and raising awareness of loneliness is key to addressing the growing global loneliness issue and directing those who need information to the appropriate support.

Building connections and breaking stigma

Created and hosted by Marmalade Trust, Loneliness Awareness Week raises awareness of loneliness across the UK (and beyond!) and gets people talking about it. Marmalade Trust is a leading loneliness charity based in the UKl. We launched Loneliness Awareness Week in 2017 and it grows in momentum each year across the UK and this year we are excited to see other countries get involved to.

Loneliness Awareness Week is a week dedicated to raising awareness of loneliness and reducing the stigma that surrounds it. It’s all about creating supportive communities by having conversations with family, friends or colleagues about loneliness.

Why we need to raise awareness of loneliness

Loneliness is a natural human emotion. We are hardwired to need social connections; by talking about it, we can support ourselves and others. Starting Monday 12th June 2023 there will be many ways for everyone to do something. Whether you are a small or large business, organisation, community group or individual, there is something for everyone.

Loneliness can have profound effects on our mental, emotional, and physical well-being - it can even shorten our life span. Whilst we’re seeing an increase in discussion on the subject, stigma remains and there are some key misconceptions that still need to be challenged. Ask anyone to picture a lonely person and most will imagine an older person living on their own. As such, we often rebuke and dismiss feelings of loneliness because ‘that doesn’t apply to me’.

By identifying and acknowledging all the times that we have personally felt and experienced loneliness, we can start to change our viewpoint, accept it and understand how to take action to manage the feeling (and our social connections) in the future.

Our 2023 campaign

Connection matters. It's what makes us human. Whether it’s your regular barista, the friendly dog on your walk, or the shopkeeper down the road, everyday moments of connection matter. They allow us to make connections, feel happier and less lonely. It matters in business because we are not just colleagues, we are people. It matters on the commute because we are still a community. It matters as a new parent because you are still an individual. It matters on freshers week, in the cafe, down the market, on the streets, in the parks, on the highest of mountains, or sat on the underground. It matters everywhere. We matter. Connection matters.

For Loneliness Awareness Week 2023, we're encouraging everyone to harness these moments of connection. Together, we can all feel less lonely.

How you can get involved

Getting involved in Loneliness Awareness Week is simple.

Spread the word - Join us now

  • Download our supporter pack and assets from our website and share them within your networks.

  • Stick a poster in your window, use virtual meeting backdrops, and inspire others through your newsletters.

Build connections - Be a part of it

  • Talk about loneliness with others, join a walk, or host a social event.

  • Add your plans to our Connections Map at and explore what's happening in your area.

Share connections that matter - Let's talk

  • Share meaningful moments with colleagues, neighbours, friends, and family.

  • Follow us on social media @MarmaladeTrust and use #LonelinessAwarenessWeek #ConnectionMatters to share your stories of connection online.

Connections at the Capitol

Stream the Global Loneliness Awareness Week: Connections at the Capitol event live from Washington, D.C. on Tuesday 13 June ➡️

Learn about public policy changes that will enhance social and health services to address social isolation, loneliness, and promote social connection. You'll hear from prominent thought leaders, change-makers, and advocates about current efforts to foster belonging and resiliency among our most vulnerable populations. Registration is free!

Get in touch

For more information, please visit You can reach us by email: or if you're an organsiation or business interested in partnering with us, send your message to:


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